I love relief factor!
After I tried this product and realized how well it works for me, I had to look at it from the perspective of the career commodities broker that I am, and since my favorite doctor told me I needed 2-5 times as much of each ingredient for best results, this is how I saw it:
Each serving (it’s food, not a drug) is:
- resveratol- 70 mg or 140 mg per day
2. omega 3- 900 mg or 1800 mg per day
3. Tumeric- 667mg or 1334 mg per day
4. Icarian- 200mg or 400 mg per day
Merely doubling this dose will cost $200 per month.
Here’s what I chose to do instead:
“resveratol” is a berry extract. 1500 mg/day, not 140 mg. $16 for 90 pills.
Omega 3 is fish oil, I take 2 grams (2,000mg) 200 pills is $12.24
Turmeric is about $20 for five pounds…. 2.2 million mg
“Icarian” is horny goat weed powder. I take 1,000 mg, not 200. 100 days supply is $25.
This higher dose fights inflammation so well that I don’t even need to take Flowmax any more. Everything just works better.
bigger quantities for $50-60 for 3 months, not less for $300-$600 for 3 months
Yes, I’ll offer an Amazon link soon.
You can buy what I got from Amazon cheap, so if you think I earned a 1% commission, go through my link.
This will Not raise your cost. All proceeds will go to Americasa.us, a charity that feeds children in Latin American dictatorships. You should consider contributing to Americasa.us anyway, because kids need to eat.
Now here’s the rest of the story: this is NOT drugs, it’s nutritional supplementation to fight systemic inflammation…. so you need to stop doing what CAUSES that inflammation. Everything you read about inflammation-causing foods is based in reality, but the biggest culprits are GMO corn and soy.
Monsanto corn produces its own pesticide, and it’s so toxic that there are warnings on the bags and you need a license to handle it. Yet they grind it up and feed it to your kids.
The other big bad is Roundup Ready soybeans. By the 90’s, over 90% of soybeans were Monsanto “Roundup Ready”. This genetically modified soybean is immune to glyphosate, a weed killer shown to cause cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Some reports tell us that the current level of glyphosate used in soybean fields is over 5,000 times what is was in 1995.
I could go on, but the rest is up to you. Make some searches and confirm what I’m telling you for yourself.
If you like this page, please use my link to Amazon, so my favorite charity (Americasa.us) can feed more hungry children
Or just contribute now: www.americasa.us